Editorial design, Connect Me Exhibition catalogue, 2024
As part of my education at the Kolding School of Design we were tasked to design an exhibition catalogue for the local design museum Trapholt. We received a briefing from one of Trapholt's curators of a recent exhibition, "Connect Me", split up into groups, and began the design process from then on.
Our brief dictaded that we had to design a cover for the catalogue, a colophon, a section-marker layout spread, an article layout spread and a showcase layout spread.
The finished section-marker layout spread
The finished article layout spread
The finished showcase article layout spread
Here's all the finished spreads
During the project we learnt a lot about both group work/co-creation and book-making - and together we put a lot of effort into making a precise koncept layout with eye for the finer details
We chose this specific paper due to its tactile qualities
We had the cover cut out with a lasercutter to macth the overalltheme
I was very contend with the finished result of the catalogue; an understated but precise design koncept, made by a group that came together to design a product we all felt equal ownership of. I enjoyed this project very much, and hope to experience much more of its like in the future.
Mockup of the final "Connect Me" exhibition catalogue for Trapholt Design Museum